
martes, 24 de febrero de 2015

Johan Messely, 1927 ~ The Secret Gardens

Johan Messely 1927 | Belgian painter | The Secret Gardens

Johan Messely creció en el mundo artístico de su padre Paul Messely, también pintor, quien se desempeñó como su gran ejemplo y motivación. Después de sus estudios en ingeniería técnica y la fotografía más tarde, Johan se estableció como fotógrafo proffessional en Menen, Bélgica, pero finalmente decidió convertir la pintura de ser sólo un hobby en su ocupación principal.

Johan tiene como objetivo crear escenas en las que el sutil juego entre la luz y la sombra se sube al escenario central. Sus pinturas al óleo son soleado y colorido, y representan el optimismo y la alegría de vivir. Pueden ser descibed como el arte figurativo, pero con un toque impresionista. Aparte de óleo sobre lienzo. Johan también tiene una pasión por el pastel, en la que se representa a la mujer en una pausa natural. De nuevo aquí, la combinación de luces y sombras son una parte importante de su obra.

Johan Messely 1927 | Belgian painter | The Secret Gardens
Johan aims to create scenes in which the subtle play between light and shadow takes the central stage. His oil paintings are sunny and colourful, and depict optimism and the joy of life. They can be descibed as figurative art, but with an impressionistic touch. Apart from oil on canvas. Johan also has a passion for pastel, in which he depicts the woman in a natural pause. Again here, the combination of light and shadow are an important part of his work.
Johan Messely 1927 | Belgian painter | The Secret Gardens
Johan Messely grew up in the artistic world of his father Paul Messely, also a painter, who served as his great example and motivation. After his studies into technical engineering and later photography, Johan settled as a proffessional photographer in Menen, Belgium, but eventually decided to turn painting from being just a hobby into his main occupation.

Johan aims to create scenes in which the subtle play between light and shadow takes the central stage. His oil paintings are sunny and colourful, and depict optimism and the joy of life. They can be descibed as figurative art, but with an impressionistic touch. Apart from oil on canvas. Johan also has a passion for pastel, in which he depicts the woman in a natural pause. Again here, the combination of light and shadow are an important part of his work.
Johan Messely 1927 | Belgian painter | The Secret Gardens

Johan Messely 1927 | Belgian painter | The Secret Gardens

Johan Messely 1927 | Belgian painter | The Secret Gardens

Johan Messely 1927 | Belgian painter | The Secret Gardens

Johan Messely 1927 | Belgian painter | The Secret Gardens

Johan Messely 1927 | Belgian painter | The Secret Gardens

Johan Messely 1927 | Belgian painter | The Secret Gardens

Johan Messely 1927 | Belgian painter | The Secret Gardens

Johan Messely 1927 | Belgian painter | The Secret Gardens

Johan Messely 1927 | Belgian painter | The Secret Gardens


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