
martes, 1 de octubre de 2019

Cris Pereby . Esculturas.

Cris Pereby

Cris Pereby born into a painter and sculptor family spent her childhood in Belgium. She was fascinated during her many museum visits by the Early Flemish painters such as Hans Memling, Jerôme Bosch, Peter Chistus, Pieter Bruegel and admired their magnificent art so delicate and full of spirituality.
She discovered later that a genius of impressionist painting , Vincent Van Gogh, lived close to her Belgium home before leaving for Paris and Arles.
Her destiny was that she should follow in his footsteps.
It is in the Paris region back in 1983 that she became self initialized in clay modelling, being inspired by the Egyptian sculpture and the media feed back of Camille Claudel. Within in a very short time she received many awards during regional exhibitions.../

.../Later she exhibited her work in Cannes, St Paul de Vence, Honfleur and also in Belgium, Germany and the USA.
In 2005 she created for the municipality of Montereau-fault-Yonne a monumental sculpture of a ' winged woman' three metres high which decorates one of the city roundabouts.
In 2006 she settled in the south of France and created in the city of Arles the museum-gallery 'Gaston de Luppé' a place where new artists can be discovered. It's in this environment that the traditional Arlesian dress style will inspire her new work.

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