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jueves, 9 de enero de 2014

Alexei Adamov

About Alexei Adamov it is not easy to tell all because a true artist is always in search. It is well known search assumes a difficult or even intricate road in life. After all, life is not a bed of roses and no roses without thorns. Naturally you can disagree with the painter’s point of view, but an instinct prompts us to agree — we feel unable to be indifferent to Adamov’s painting. It contains charm and fascination of contemplating beauty of nature. And it sets us thinking. First of all it sets thinking about eternity and momentariness of human existence, about joy of life and sadness of wasting away. It is impossible to simulate all these emotions. It is possible only to come nearer to them little by little, enriching one’s divine gift of aesthetic vision. Alexei Adamov is a person of indomitable energy. After his first personal exhibition of paintings in Taganrog in the building of Chekhov Library in 1997, Adamov became a well-known painter: his exhibition at the Don Artistic Fund in 2001, in Prague in the years of 2001-2002, in 2003 his pictures were exhibited in Paris and in Moscow Exhibition Hall of the Union of Artists. Adamov’s works of art constantly take part in opening days and exhibitions in various galleries of Moscow and of Europe. On August 13, 2004 was held his exhibition at Moscow Exhibition Hall of the Union of Artists. This fact is undoubtedly a proof of his innate genius and great acknowledgement of his creative person. You know Art is Beauty and it is a sign of kindness, too. We hope this eternal value won’t be depleted by the generous artist. Ms.Ludmila Milukova.

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